Click here for Monitoring opportunities
Comparison of To Gum TragacanthHappy Camp has again been canceled for 2025
Happy Camp 2024Afternoon Projects Hands-on projects we can do together
Sign Up in the clubroom. Suggestions and feedback for future videos?projects or ways to improve the presentations will be greatly appreciated. ***************************Leather Project of the monthJulee Betz, her custom made leather journal SCW Leather Carvers Club member, Julee Betz, recently made this leather journal. Julee has been a very active and engaging member of the club. In fact, she has been a key factor in coordinating and establishing club classes as well as protocol.
Recently, Julee has stepped back from her club activities to actually be able to create this beautiful leather journal. The club is equipped with just about everything a member would need to create and complete any number of leather items to be sold, used as gifts, or for themselves. For more information either stop by the club for a tour or check out our great external web site: ********************** February 2025
Club Items for Sale:
● Kits and items: That were not purchased previously are still for sale. These can be found in the clubroom. They are located on the table near the sewing machines. If interested, come check them out. ● Granite Stones: The club has acquired some, 1” thick stones for home use. Prices vary depending on size, but the larger ones left range from $15 to $35 per stone. Our Very Own Bird Lady!
She's just 'humming' along!
Ladies Day
Last March, the ladies of the club thought it might be fun spending an afternoon working on a project. It was suggested they make name tags, since our club name tags can no longer be used.
It turned out to be a very fun afternoon with lots of good humoured teasing and laughter. Some etremely creative name tags were produced. Everyone enjoyed themselves enough, that another get together has been planned for this March. Thank you to Jean, who not only provides her expertise, but also tools, glue, patterns, and paint. COME JOIN THE FUN!!!! Monitors, Monitors, Monitors We continue to need monitors!!! Please sign up to monitor. In order to keep the club open, we must have a monitor.
Members are required to monitor 4 times per year. This responsibility belongs to all members. Please do your part! Those who are 85 years no longer are required to monitor. Click on the link below to see the : Monitoring Policies as of 2024 To sign up: the monitoring calendar can be found on Sign Up Genius, go to the home page. It is on:
“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
Booker T. Washington Cobra Class 4